Gamechanger will be released on Tuesday, September 17th and to kick off the celebration I will be reading at Chiseries on September 18th, at the Round Venue at 8pm. Bakka Phoenix Books will be there with copies for sale, and I won’t be the only one reading: Mugabi Byenkya, Victoria Dalpe, and Halli Villegas will be there too!

Next, on September 22nd, Amal El Mohtar and I will be at Word on the Street’s Across the Universe Stage, giving a panel on Alternate Futures, hosted by Leah Bobet.
The official Toronto Gamechanger Launch will be at Bakka-Phoenix Books, 84 Harbord Street on October 5th, 3pm.

Meanwhile, On October 18th to 20th, I’ll be appearing at CanCon in Ottawa, along with so many other amazing writers!

Last for the moment, and certainly not least, my Vancouver B.C. launch will be at Massy Books at 229 East Georgia Street, at 7pm on November 5th.

You are all welcome at very single one of the events–I would love to see and meet you. Meanwhile, there is a week to go before the actual book birthday, which means there’s still time to preorder!
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